

Predicting changes in dormancy level in weed seed soil banks: implications for weed management. D Batlla, RL Benech-Arnold. Crop Protection 26 (3), 189-197

Weed seed germination and the light environment: implications for weed management. D Batlla, RL Benech‐Arnold. Weed Biology and Management 14 (2), 77-87

A quantitative analysis of dormancy loss dynamics in Polygonum aviculare L. seeds: development of a thermal time model based on changes in seed population thermal parameters. D Batlla, RL Benech-Arnold. Seed Science Research 13 (1), 55-68

Modelling changing sensitivity to alternating temperatures during induction of secondary dormancy in buried Polygonum aviculare L. seeds to aid in managing….. C Malavert, D Batlla, RL Benech‐Arnold. Weed Research 62 (3), 249-261.

A quantitative analysis of temperature-dependent seasonal dormancy cycling in buried Arabidopsis thaliana seeds can predict seedling emergence in a global … D Batlla, C Malavert, RBF Farnocchia, S Footitt, RL Benech-Arnold,  ….Journal of Experimental Botany 73 (8), 2454-2468

A fuzzy knowledge-based model for assessing risk of pesticides into the air in cropping systems. DO Ferraro, R de Paula. Science of the Total Environment 820, 153-158 (actualizar)

An Integrated Ecological-Social Simulation Model of Farmer Decisions and Cropping System Performance in the Rolling Pampas (Argentina). S Pessah, DO Ferraro, D Blanco, R Castro. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 25 (1)

Historical trends of the ecotoxicological pesticide risk from the main grain crops in Rolling Pampa (Argentina). DO Ferraro, F Ghersa, R de Paula, AC Duarte Vera, S Pessah. Plos one 15 (11), e0238676.

Evaluation of environmental impact indicators using fuzzy logic to assess the mixed cropping systems of the Inland Pampa, Argentina. DO Ferraro, CM Ghersa, GA Sznaider. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 96 (1-3), 1-18

An analysis of the factors that influence sugarcane yield in Northern Argentina using classification and regression tres. DO Ferraro, DE Rivero, CM Ghersa. Field crops research 112 (2-3), 149-157

Sink limitations to yield in wheat: how could it be reduced? DJ Miralles, GA Slafer. Cambridge University Press

Duration of the stem elongation period influences the number of fertile florets in wheat and barley. DJ Miralles, RA Richards, GA Slafer. Functional Plant Biology 27 (10), 931-940

Floret development in near isogenic wheat lines differing in plant height. DJ Miralles, SD Katz, A Colloca, GA Slafer. Field Crops Research 59 (1), 21-30

A simple model to predict phenology in malting barley based on cultivar thermo-photoperiodic response. I Alzueta, S Arisnabarreta, LG Abeledo, DJ Miralles. Computers and electronics in agriculture 107, 8-19

Warm nights in the Argentine Pampas: Modelling its impact on wheat and barley shows yield reductions. GA García, DJ Miralles, RA Serrago, I Alzueta, N Huth, MF Dreccer. Agricultural Systems 162, 259-268

Development of a precise thermal time model for grain filling in barley: A critical assessment of base temperature estimation methods from field-collected data. EA Otero, DJ Miralles, RL Benech-Arnold. Field Crops Research 260, 108003

Diversifying crop rotation increased metabolic soil diversity and activity of the microbial community. L D’Acunto, JF Andrade, SL Poggio, M Semmartin. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 257, 159-164

Single and double crop systems in the Argentine Pampas: Environmental determinants of annual grain Yield. JF Andrade, EH Satorre. Field Crops Research 177, 137-147

Productivity and resource use in intensified cropping systems in the Rolling Pampa, Argentina. JF Andrade, SL Poggio, M Ermácora, EH Satorre. European Journal of Agronomy 67, 37-51

Impact of urbanization trends on production of key staple crops. JF Andrade, KG Cassman, JI Rattalino Edreira, F Agus, A Bala, N Deng, … Ambio 51 (5), 1158-1167

Field validation of a farmer supplied data approach to close soybean yield gaps in the US North Central región. JF Andrade, S Mourtzinis, JI Rattalino Edreira, SP Conley, J Gaska, … Agricultural Systems 200, 103434

Assessing benefits of land use intensification on extensive grain cropping systems of the Pampas. JF Andrade, M Ermacora, EH Satorre. European Journal of Agronomy 135, 126484

Including cover crops during fallow periods for increasing ecosystem services: Is it possible in croplands of Southern South America?. P Pinto, MEF Long, G Piñeiro. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 248, 48-57

Long‐term and recent changes in temperature‐based agroclimatic indices in Argentina. ME Fernández‐Long, GV Müller, A Beltrán‐Przekurat, OE Scarpati. International Journal of Climatology 33 (7), 1673-1686

Caracterización de las heladas en la Región Pampeana y su variabilidad en los últimos 10 años. MEF Long, IE Barnatán, L Spesciia. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, 247-257

Characterization of the seasonal variation of soil moisture in Argentina. ME Fernández‐Long, M Peretti, D Carnelos, T Della‐Chiesa, L Spescha. International Journal of Climatology 41, E537-E547

Soil moisture evaluation over the Argentine Pampas using models, satellite estimations and in-situ measurements. PC Spennemann, ME Fernández-Long, NN Gattinoni, C Cammalleri, … Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 31, 100723

Gross, Background, and Net Anthropogenic Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Soybean, Corn, and Wheat Croplands. T Della Chiesa, G Piñeiro, L Yahdjian. Journal of Environmental Quality 48 (1), 16-23

Nitrous oxide emissions decrease with plant diversity but increase with grassland primary productivity. JM Piñeiro-Guerra, L Yahdjian, T Della Chiesa, G Piñeiro. Oecologia 190 (2), 497-507

Higher than expected N2O emissions from soybean crops in the Pampas Region of Argentina: Estimates from DayCent simulations and field measurements. T Della Chiesa, G Piñeiro, SJ Del Grosso, WJ Parton, PI Araujo, … Science of The Total Environment, 155408

A novel mechanism to simulate intercropping and relay cropping using the DayCent model. T Della Chiesa, SJ Del Grosso, MD Hartman, WJ Parton, L Echarte, …Ecological Modelling 465, 109869

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